Thursday, 23 June 2016


Neal's Yard Remedies:
Nourishing Orange Flower NIGHT CREAM 

Disclaimer: I have not been paid by Neal's Yard, I've tried quite a few of their products, and I'm interested to see what this one is like.

Good morning Little ones! What are you doing today? Voting to stay in or out of the EU? I know I am :).
Any who, I've recently purchased a new facial moisturiser, and I've fallen in love with it, probably one of my favourite products from Neal's Yard, (and there's a lot); but it's perfect for my dry and sensitive skin. 
If you want to have a little gander and find out more information on this product look below and enjoy reading :) 

If you want to read another review, click here!


Professional and stunning. The iconic velvet royal blue glass containers scream luxury. When you place this gem in your hand you feel important and upper class; to obtain this product makes me feel content and pleased with my purchase as I know that my hard earned money was spent well. People know, (even if they aren't regular customers) recognise where this product is from; simply because Neal's Yard is the only skincare brand that obtain this packaging; no other business in their competitors have this. Which is fantastic as they stand out from he crowd. 
Neal's Yard, when creating their products evidently thought of which colours would compliment each other well; in this case cream and black; they again use this on ALL their products; whether it's: hair care, skincare or make up; they are consistent throughout. This gives me a positive impression that that they care about what their packaging looks like, they want it to look professional and beautiful; taking this much time and effort into your products and company, informs me that you care about what your customers are buying; thus the enchanting presentation. 
On the other hand, I feel that Neal's Yard logo is a breath of fresh air, I love the tree, and the different perspectives of that tree. The message behind this shows me that it's not just a beauty product, this is deeper than that; we want to remain true to you, we try out best as a company, and we do that without harming nature, or animals. 
In regards to the font, it's clear, which makes it easy for EVERYONE in the market to read, if you have poor eyesight you will still be able to understand what's being presented in front of you. Which makes me love this company even more; they have taken into consideration the eyesight of others; this is a caring and charming company; and their products are holy grail.


This facial moisturiser is a God send. I know it says 'night cream', but they penetrate and nourish the skin deeper than a mosituriser you would use in the morning; I use this in my morning and night-time routine. I have been on the market for a new moisturiser for a while, I have VERY dry skin, and the heat increase in the UK has only made it worse. My skin peels on my nose, side of my nose and cheeks; it ruins my make-up because the dry skin peels the foundation off my skin. 
After my job interview I went into Neal's Yard in St Albans. I spoke to the lady and explained my situation; she tried the product on me and I bought it. BEST DECISION EVER! 
Because of the oils held within the product it penetrates though not one, but two layers on skin. It's not sticky and it blends in beautifully. It creates the perfect base for when you apply your make up, and is comfortable when you are about to sleep, as it doesn't stick to the pillow. 
In addition to this, neroli, (a type of flower oil essence), creates a comforting and subtle smell; when I apply this to the face it makes me feel that I'm in a field of wild flowers; it also creates nostalgia of when I used to ride my bike in the forests; they were the days. This positive memory floods back every morning and evening and brings a smile to my face. 


  1. Clean your face, make sure you have no make up on the surface of your face;
  2. use your desired facial toner;
  3. dip your finger into the moisturiser pot, (a little goes a long way so you don't need much);
  4. rub it into the skin; massage the face if you want, (this will create better circulation).
I use this product in the morning, and before I go to bed and I haven't even made a dent :).


The Nourishing Orange Flower NIGHT CREAM retails for £25, this is perfect! I say this because I have spent double if not triple on some moisturisers' and they have not worked out as well as this! If anything they dried my skin out even more! I feel that £25 for 50g is a bargain, like I've said previously, a little goes a long way, I have used this twice a day everyday for a week, and I haven't even dented it :'). I feel that this will last me for 3-6 months, £25 every 6 months doesn't sound bad, a single meal and Prezzo costs more than that! Not only that, but you are buying into a well made and caring company, this product is 100% vegan, and they fight against animal cruelty; which is a massive bonus for me. 

If you are interested in buying this pot of gold click the link below :) 

Like always Little ones, I hope you have had a lovely day, stay tuned and see you soon :) x x x

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