Tuesday 18 April 2017

Little Adventures: Wondering around St Albans

Romantic date in St Albans

Snapchat: missamymcguire
Email: missamymcguire@hotmail.com
If you want to keep up to date with that I do on a daily basis follow me on my social media above, and I'll be sure to follow you right back :).

Good afternoon Little Ones! How are you all today? I'm finally back home, gosh I missed being here! But I had a wonderful experience being an orange volunteer at insomnia 60! If you want to know more information about that, I'll be uploading a vlog on my YouTube Channel tomorrow, if that's something you want to watch then type: Miss Rose McGuire into the search bar and have a little stalk.
Any how, if you want to know what me and my other half got up to in St Albans, then keep on reading :). 

If you want to read other little adventures click here! 

What did we get up to? 

First and foremost me and Christopher had been trapped by the awful weather, until we awoke to a beautiful, warm day! Evidently, we took advantage of the weather and headed down to St Albans. Originally we had a plan to get our nails done, hand my CV around places; but that could wait another day. 
By the time we arrived at St Albans it was time for lunch, in which I was peckish for some pasta! Carluccio's was around the corner, and me and Christopher both adore the food. We managed to whip a seat outside and enjoy the sun-rays ... Although I do regret sitting towards the sun, but at least I'd finally get some colour on my face. 
It was absolutely fantastic, lovely warm food, crisp drinks and Christopher for company, it was such a wonderful meal. I ordered a grapefruit and vodka cocktail, bitter to begin with, but the after-taste was deliciously sweet! If you love grapefruit, then you will relish this drink; but mind you, it was very alcoholic! Only need one of those to boost your confidence! Whereas typical Chris had his Peroni, which was well deserved and needed in the blazing heat. Nothing better than cooling down with ice cold drinks. 
On the other hand, our food was utterly delicious, I had salmon pasta, with a fresh salad. Tasted beautiful, just what I needed to feel energised again; plus it was super healthy, so I didn't feel guilty eating it. 
Christopher on the other hand, didn't enjoy his sea-food pasta, he wanted more cheese, and meat to the dish; which I completely understand, especially when the details of the dish specify in different types of seafood. But then again, he's quite picky. 
Time had flown by with conversation between the pair of us; but we had eaten like kings and needed to burn off the everlasting food. 
We headed towards the market and came across Chris's dream car brand ... Tesla, as you can see in the images above, he's extremely content ... And handsome (may I add). I remember people trying to test out the car, and Chris refusing to let them in ... As you can imagine the salesperson became rather agitated, I believe his face is in one of these photos; as you can see, not very happy. 
We couldn't believe that we had spent over 4 hours in St Albans! It's such a content and beautiful atmosphere, hopefully me and Christopher shall be living there very soon ... But that's another chapter of my life. Future Amy and Chris will worry about that some other time. 
Any how, I'm rambling, back to our little adventure! We didn't get up to very much, we were simply walking around, enjoying the views and the warmth on the back on our necks. I just enjoyed taking various photos, talking with Christopher and looking at future homes. 
All in all the day was joyful and we rested when we arrived home, all the walking we did hit us the next day. But hey-ho, at least we ventured out took the sun while it lasted. Because the very next day, it rained ... And wouldn't stop. 

There you Little Ones have it! A little adventure! There will be many more where that came from! Again I'm so happy that I'm back in business! I will see you again tomorrow with an all famous make-up review! Remember to stay safe and stay tuned! :) x x x 

Snapchat: missamymcguire
Email: missamymcguire@hotmail.com
If you want to keep up to date with that I do on a daily basis follow me on my social media above, and I'll be sure to follow you right back :).

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