Wednesday 18 January 2017

I'm on YouTube!

I have a YouTube channel!

Snapchat: missamymcguire
If you want to keep up to date with that I do on a daily basis follow me on my social media above, and I'll be sure to follow you right back :).

Hello and Good Evening Little ones! How have you been today? I've filmed, edited and uploaded another video! I'm keeping to my new year resolution so far and I thought that I would like to share it with you guys!
If you want a little life update with me, then have a read down below! 

Check out my recent blog giveaway click here!

This is going to be a chatty blog post! No fancy pictures or layout, just raw text and emotion. One of my new years resolutions was to gain confidence, and one way in which to do this ... In my opinion was to start a YouTube channel. With this, I have to edit and look at my face for hours on end, all my imperfections are in front of me, and only a week into it, and I'm starting to see that maybe I'm not that bad after all. There are still things that I hate about myself; but that's natural and will heal in time. I knew that when I started getting used the camera, I fell in love with this hobby ... I really hope that I get to do this as my full-time job at some point, because I would be extremely happy ... I get to talk to all of you, and edit videos which I love making. I have never been this happy! I have Chris, a great home, and a job ... But I want this to be my job, I don't want it to be a hobby anymore. I want to create, I want to partake in projects which enhances my creativity. I want to show everyone that doubted me, that I can do this ... And I don't care how long it takes, I will succeed and I will be on top. 
And of course I'm going to have bad days, there are going to be times where my anxiety gets the better of me ... But I won't let it bring me down. 
To all of you out there, don't let people bring you down to the point where you think you can't achieve your dreams; because you can. I still have a long way to go, this is just the beginning, but it's a new year, and a new me. I know this sounds super cliche, but it's what I'm feeling at this moment in time. Everyone needs inspiration, because you never know how someone is really feeling deep inside. It might be this that motivates them to do better ... This may be the beacon of hope that  makes you rise up and face your fears. 
I have a small YouTube channel, and I would love it to grow, because if it helps someone, then I have succeeded. All I want to do is help people, I'm not a great beauty guru, I don't have a label for my channel yet, it's going to be a little bit of this and that ... It's whatever you want to make it, because I want to give you, what you want; I'll just enjoy creating it. This makes me happy, me writing this currently is making me content ... I'm so grateful for technology, because it;s enabled me to be here currently.  
This was meant to be a brief blog post, informing you what my YouTube channel was meant to be about, but it turned to be inspirational, and I'm ok with that. 
In regards to my channel, Miss Rose McGuire, I'll be uploading a few videos a week, preferably as many as I can create and edit. Some will be based on beauty reviews, and others technology. But I want to tell you about my life, and I want to help people that suffer with anxiety and depression especially, because it's a serious issue; which I still tackle on a day to day basis. 
Don't worry if you think I'm going to prioritise YouTube over blogger, that's not the case, I want to do both and I will, I love writing and I love creating videos. 
If you have any suggestions for what you would like to see, please leave comments down below. Check out my channel if you want to, I will leave a link down below for you. 
I hope you've had a lovely day, I will see you tomorrow with a review :)
I love you all so very much, stay safe and stay tuned Little Ones! :) x x x 

My YouTube Channel:

Snapchat: missamymcguire
If you want to keep up to date with that I do on a daily basis follow me on my social media above, and I'll be sure to follow you right back :).

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