Thursday 13 October 2016

Advice-starting a blog

Starting a blog

Snapchat: missamymcguire
If you want to keep up to date with that I do on a daily basis follow me on my social media above, and I'll be sure to follow you right back :).

Good evening Little ones! I'm here again! How have you been? I've been doing some essays and hanging out with my boyfriend. I was also testing a product that I'm going to write a review tomorrow for you guys! Any how, this topic was pondering my mind, so I thought I would sit down and keep it real with you :).
If you are interested in starting a blog then do it! Ignore the haters and do you Little ones! If you have a passion about writing then go and do it; be happy :).
If you are just starting out then give this blog a little read, it might help :). 

If you want to read other advice blog posts, click here!


First and foremost, if you are starting a blog you need to plan a hell of a lot! You also need to dedicate your time into a blog, posting every month of every year won't do it; you need to be honest give your target audience what they want.
In regards to planing you need to do the following:
  • What are you going to name it?
    When you start a blog you need to name it after something that relates to your writing, or something that you want people to remember you by. So when they read the title they will associate it with you. When I was starting out, I wanted my title to be my name, Miss Rose McGuire. I picked rose from one of my middle names as I liked it more than my first name. Also because I like roses, so interlinking flowers with my blog was a win win situation. 
  • What are you going to write about?
    Just like every other blog you need a topic to write about, it can vary from one specific topic, or numerous ones. For example, my blog obtains various sectors which include: vegan and non-vegan recipes, reviews, advice and daily life. You don't have to do this though, if you just wanted a blog solely based on food then do be it. Do you Little ones!
  •   Target audience:Who is your target audience? What will your content attract? You have to think and analyse the situation. Simply because if you want your demographic to be the younger generation (10-15), writing about dated trends, or 'how to write a report' isn't going to grab their attention. It would work for people heading to University but not the kids. Research what the younger generation like, get their opinions; that way if you are giving them content that they have an interest in then they will read what you have to say. In my perspective, my target audience is VERY broad, simply because my blog obtains so many categories anyone would enjoy it. 
  • How often are you going to post?
    Get this into your mind QUICKLY! If you are going to put SOME effort into a blog post then forget the entire idea, simply because if you are gaining an audience and you completely disappear for months on end ... All the hard work you did to achieve your following is gone. But, if you have a dedicated time schedule. for example, writing a blog post once a week then stick to it. As your crowd will have something to look forward to :).
  •  What is it going to look like?
    Profoundly, when I look for blogs I look for quality content, and yes that does involve in what it looks like as well. In my opinion a professional blog has to: have the same font, no spelling mistakes, colour scheme matches, great photographs, typography. Everything you produce has to look presentable. When it comes to posting my blog post I ALWAYS make sure that my grammar and spelling is on fleek, that my images are in line and that my font is the same size accordingly to where it's located on the blog post. What I'm trying to say is that, if you saw something scruffy, would you even want to read it? As you would assume, 'if they can't be bothered to present this correctly, then is their writing incomplete too?
  • Monetising: yay or nay?
    When it comes to posting quality content sometimes you want to turn that hobby into a job. That's how I felt and still feel that way. I treat my blog as another job, evidently because I am constantly updating and writing new blog posts for My Little ones. They ask and I give to them, they are my internet family and I don't want to let them now EVER! So if you have these thoughts and feelings then check out the link below, it's what I use on my blog post and I love it. It helps you earn a bit of cash on the side while doing something that you absolutely love.
    In the nearer future I want to be doing this as my full-time job, I love writing and that's what I want to do with my life :).
    Monetising link:
This is now the end of the blog post. I really do hope that you enjoyed this one, and I hope that it has helped a lot of you that are just starting out, or is thinking about starting a blog. Just like I mentioned previously, do you! Don't let anyone put you down; if  you have a passion for writing and it makes you happy, don't listen to whatever anyone else tells you. This is your life, live it how you want to :).
I love you all so very much! If you want to know anymore tricks or tips, or just want to ask my some advice on blog posts then please let me know in the comment section down below; or my social media platforms. I will happily answer your questions :).
Stay safe and stay tuned Little ones :) x x x 

Snapchat: missamymcguire
If you want to keep up to date with that I do on a daily basis follow me on my social media above, and I'll be sure to follow you right back :).

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