Thursday 20 October 2016

My first question and anwer


Snapchat: missamymcguire
If you want to keep up to date with that I do on a daily basis follow me on my social media above, and I'll be sure to follow you right back :).

Good morning Little ones! How are you today? I thought that it was about time to write my first Q&A! I asked if you wanted me to do this and the majority of you did! You also sent in some questions which I love! I've also incorporated questions people have asked me over the years! I thought it would be lovely for you guys to know me, and what better way to do that than answer your questions :). So sit back and relax and read my responses.
  1. Favourite childhood memory :
    I would have to say when my Papa (Scottish phrase for Granddad) used to come down from Scotland and leave little goodies on mine and my sisters bed. the excitement that would go through me when I saw that meant Papa was here. The look on his face when he saw us was priceless, he would have his big old smile with his tweed jacket and matching hat ... Smelling of peppermint; damn I miss him so much, RIP Papa McGuire. 
  2. Favourite colour:
    I have two favourite colours, does that count? I can't decide between the two! But I would have to say orange and baby blue. 
  3. When is my birthday?
    The 24th February, I hate that it's such a cold month! Why cold why?!
  4. My bestfriend?
    My best-friend is Eisha, we met at Stanborough-Secondary School. Because her last name began with M, just like mine we were put together on the seating plan. She was so confident and cheery, and I was so awkward and weird ... But 8 years on and we are still going strong, love ya gurl. 
  5. What is your middle name?
    Fun fact, I actually have two! One of which was going to be my first name but my mum hated it! Margaret and Rose is the answer. Can you guess which one my  mum hated, yeah pretty obvious :').
  6. Longest relationship?
    2 years ... and that was a complete mess.
  7. Where do I want to travel?
    ROME! My goal in life is to sit on a balcony in Rome with a bowl of pasta, plus company which would be my boyfriend Christopher. From the pictures I've seen of Rome it's stunning, the architecture is beautiful and the history behind it all is so endearing.  
  8. Have you gone abroad? 
    Yes I have. The first time was this year actually, I went to France with my boyfriend and his family. The sites were stunning, and meeting the other half of his family was simply wonderful. 
  9. How many boyfriends have you had?
    Including the one I have now, 4.
  10. Worst dentist experience?
    As you may or may not already know I posted a blog post on my worst dentists experiences. I really hate the dentist, it makes me cry and cringe. But if I had to say worse, it would be when she drilled a hole in the WRONG tooth, that became infected, and then she had to take that tooth out. But  because it was infected and she didn't put me on antibiotics long enough; the local anaesthetic did NOTHING, and I felt EVERYTHING!
  11.  Do you believe in ghosts?
    I want to say no, but I do. I don't know if it's because of my anxiety but I sort of do.
  12. Scared of the dark?
    I'm terrified of the dark, and that's in my room and outside. If it's dark outside I will not walk alone, and if I have to I genrally run to that location. In regards to sleeping in the dark, I have to sleep with a nightlight ... I don't want the demons getting to me!
  13. Biggest fear?
    To be honest I have so many fears I can't pick just one, so I'll pick my three biggest. Heights, spiders and the dark. I hate all of the above ... Nothing should have eight legs! 
  14. Dog or cat?
    I love both, but because I'm allergic to cats I would have to dogs! Plus I have always wanted a dog since I've never had one of my own as a pet. 
  15. Curly or straight hair?
    On me, I prefer curly hair, simply because straight hair is really unflattering on me, plus I have really thick hair so it weighs down my roots. which gives the appearance of flat hair. 
  16. Favourite clothing store?Topshop by far! Most of my clothing is Topshop, it's scary to think how much money I have spent there.
  17. Favourite make-up brand?It depends on the product, for example if I was to pick eyeliner it would be Loreal, whereas foundation would go to Chanel. Overall I would say Chanel, their packaging is beautiful and the product content is perfection. 
  18. Dream car?Mercedes E-63 in black. I feel that it would make me look like a boss, don't judge :'). 
  19. Sleep with the sheets on or off?As weird as it sounds, it's always on, doesn't matter if it's boiling outside, I always need something to cover my body. I'm scared of something grabbing me in my sleep ... And the duvet is my protection. 
  20. Favourite current song?
    Party by JP cooper, I love the beat and the sound of his voice, I constantly have this on repeat; I'm hoping I don't kill it.
  21. Where did you grow up?
    I'm originally from Welwyn Garden City, it's a small town filled to the brim with trees, you think I'm joking? Please look it up ;').
  22. What was your favourite subject back at School?I can't pick as there were 3 main ones. Which was: English, Arts and P.E. English was were I could write everything down, plus I had the best teacher ever, she was also my favourite teacher; she took no shit. In regards to Art I could express my inner thoughts, plus my teacher loved my work; she was a sweetheart. PE was just perfect, I loved sports and I have always loved sports, especially long distance running and badminton.  
  23. Why did you start blogging?
    When I started this blog 1 year ago I was in a dark place, and I knew that writing my emotions down and turning it into advice would help people. But I had to stop back then as I didn't have the time. Nearly 4 months on and I'm constantly posting on here, I have never been happier :).
  24. Would you ever have children?
    I want to say yes, but at the moment no. It would be my biggest nightmare if I had children at this age. But maybe in the near future I could see a possible family.
  25. Do you ever want to get married?
    Hell yes! It's my dream to get married to my soulmate, and I honestly believe it's going to be Christopher :).
  26. Best bra?
    Best bra by far is from Victoria Secret! It's the plump push up one, and mine is in a beautiful purple shade. It doesn't make your boobs look stupid; but they give them a little lift, it's sexy. 
  27. What are your other hobbies outside blogger?
    Sounds boring, but I love reading, drawing and going to the gym. In regards to fitness Yoga is a godsend! All the hobbies above are so relaxing and make me so happy. I don't do it everyday, as I'm either doing work, or I'm on my blog :). 
  28. Weird hobbies?
    It's not weird, but it sounds disgusting, but I'm going to be real with you. I love popping my boyfriend's blackheads ... I know it sounds gross, but it's so satisfying :'). 
  29. Favourite food?
    I love Chinese food! Noodles is they key to my heart, with curry sauce and vegetables, oh yeah! :D 
  30. Xbox, play-station or PC?
    Sorry to the people I'm about to offend ... But I'm a PC gamer, it's so much more acurate, plus nothing beats playing CSGO on my 34 inch curved monitor, #sorrynotsorry.
This is the end of the blog post, I hope that you enjoyed this, I know that I did! It bought back so many memories. Plus I want you guys to know me like my friends do, because I love you and I want to be your friend. I hope you have a lovely day! I  will see you again soon with a vegan recipe and a storytime :).
Stay safe and stay tuned Little ones :) x x x 

Snapchat: missamymcguire
If you want to keep up to date with that I do on a daily basis follow me on my social media above, and I'll be sure to follow you right back :).

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